
For the record - March 7, 2010

Concert lineup: An article in Friday’s Calendar section about the 2010 concert seasons at the Greek Theatre and Gibson Amphitheatre listed an incorrect phone number for ticket information. The correct phone number is (818) 622-9987.

UC San Diego turmoil: Sandy Banks’ column in Saturday’s Section A about anger over racial incidents at UC San Diego stated that President Obama’s father was Nigerian. The president’s father was from Kenya.

Chilean quake: An article in the Feb. 28 Section A about the earthquake in Chile said its epicenter was relatively deep. The article should have described that point of origin as the hypocenter, or focus; the epicenter is the section of Earth’s surface directly above a temblor’s point of origin.

If you believe that we have made an error, or you have questions about The Times’ journalistic standards and practices, you may contact Deirdre Edgar, readers’ representative, by e-mail at readers.representative, by phone at (877) 554-4000, by fax at (213) 237-3535 or by mail at 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. The readers’ representative office is online at
