
High-speed train travel in Spain

Spain by train TELEPHONES To call these numbers from the U.S., dial 011 (international dialing code), 34 (Spain’s country code) and the nine-digit number.IF YOU GO Fare for the Renfe high-speed AVE train from Barcelona to Madrid, and vice versa, is about $156, if purchased the day of travel. Tickets also can be found online for as little as $75. The Renfe website, /index.html, can be maddening, and you must use Internet Explorer and Windows for best results. A tutorial for navigating Renfe can be found at (enter “Renfe” in the search field). Renfe can also be reached by phone at 902-240-202 or 902-320-320. Ticket information and booking are also available at www.rail -trains/renfe/how-to-book.html. WHERE TO STAY In Madrid, the HUSA Paseo del Arte, 123 Calle de Atocha, is friendly, mid-sized and convenient to the AVE train; www.hotelhusapaseodel Double rooms from about $150.In Barcelona, the Barceló Raval, at 17-21 Rambla del Raval, is a four-star hotel two blocks off La Rambla; 933-201-490, Doubles from about $143.
