
Dynamic duo now adorable

Special to The Times

Why can’t everything in the world get the Lego game treatment?

Fresh off its success with the “Star Wars” franchise, then the “Indiana Jones” trilogy, the developers of those great Lego-populated games give us the ridiculously adorable Lego Batman.

Batman shares the same basic game-play mechanics as those other Lego titles (smash bricks to bits while solving puzzles and fighting the bad guys), ditto the humor and snarkiness.

The great art direction is here too: the vibrant colors, the cute little characters and fun, real-world Lego models.


So even though we’ve played this game before, the Batman and Robin paint job -- complete with a ton of the heroes and villains from the series -- makes it worth a look.

Grade: A (another great Lego title).

Details: All platforms; $49.99-$29.99; rated Everyone 10+ (cartoon violence).


Be your own air traffic controller

Air Traffic Chaos defies the odds.

On paper, a game about landing planes at Japanese airports should be as exciting as an Al Gore speech about harmful protozoa. But in play, Chaos turns out to be perfect for anyone who likes a good puzzle, as well as aviation buffs.

Planes drop into your airspace, and it’s your job to make sure they don’t land on a runway you’ve already cleared another plane to take off from. (The action gets faster and more furious during the harder levels.)


Who knew “pushing tin” (the controllers’ term for what they do) could be so much fun?

Grade: A (awesomely original).

Details: Nintendo DS platform; $19.99; rated Everyone (violent references).
