
Arsonists called to put out fire

The consumer column on bailouts is very good, but doesn’t quite go far enough. There should also be a demand for a couple of pounds of flesh -- blood and all. (“Getting more bang for bailout billions,” Nov. 26.)

The appalling stupidity of the chief executives whom we should put our faith and confidence in to get us out of the mess they helped create is surpassed only by the even more gut-wrenching stupidity of our “leaders,” who continue to hand these idiots truckloads of money.

The chief executives and their lackeys should all be allowed to enjoy the unemployment lines and be given a box to sleep in. No one company is too big to fail, and more of them should be doing so.


Government officials who have thrown money at these companies that retain their chief executives should be fired for their incompetence. I have never known of a firefighter to seek an arsonist for help in putting out a fire, but that is what our government is doing.

Clyde Hammett

