
Cusack’s absurdity with ‘war profiteers’

FROM THE safety of his stateside home, John Cusack has made a movie to mock people like Blackwater contractors who, at great personal risk, provide a service to their country in time of war [“Cusack Goes to War,” by Tina Daunt, May 23]. Since they get paid, he considers them “war profiteers” who “should be sent to prison.” How infantile.

Yes, people rise to provide needed goods and services in wartime; it doesn’t follow that wars are started so such people can make a buck. That paranoid, Vietnam-era delusion aside, does Cusack really think it a crime for people to be paid for wartime labors? How about the soldiers who put their lives on the line? They’re paid. Or farmers who grow food those soldiers consume? Or people who make the troops’ boots and clothes? Or workers who build military vehicles? Or journalists who cover the war? Greedy war profiteers all? What patent nonsense.

But if you can’t beat ‘em, you join ‘em. So, seizing the opportunity of war, Cusack offers a film he no doubt hopes will make a profit. Sure, war profiteers “can all go to hell.” Except for Cusack, who ridicules them all -- all the way to the bank.


Steven Zak

