

When you take your kids to the Museum of Jurassic Technology -- or, as Nipper dubbed it, “The Weird Museum” -- bring along their bathroom step-stool if they’re under 4 1/2 feet tall. Much of the coolest stuff is in display cases too high for them to see properly and, believe me, they’ll want to gape at curator David Wilson’s oddities -- such as a horn removed from a human’s forehead and “micromosaics” made from butterfly wing scales -- far longer than you’ll want to hold them up. To adults, this museum is loaded with brain-scratching exhibits like “Tell the Bees: Belief, Knowledge & Hypersymbolic Cognition.” To a child, it’s part house of horrors, part science made cool (though the line between science and art gets a little blurry here). The place is dark and the music is scratchy old opera recordings and spooky ther- emin-heavy dirges that make each step into a new room an adventure. Start at “The Eye of the Needle,” where you’ll need that footstool to appreciate Hagop Sandaldjian’s incredible micro-miniature figures (pictured). “Wait, that looks like Goofy,” Nipper observed, squinting into the magnifying lens. “It is Goofy!” 2-6 p.m. Thu., noon-6 p.m. Fri.-Sun. 9341 Venice Blvd., Culver City. Suggested donation of $3 per child, $5 per adult. (310) 836-6131;


-- YoM[email protected]
