
Gators had to fight for the right to this honor

Times Staff Writer

If back-to-back NCAA basketball championships and a Bowl Championship Series title in football weren’t enough, there’s another title that’s sure to make Gators everywhere happy . . . or raise a glass.

The University of Florida is the No. 1 party school in the U.S., according to the Princeton Review, which polled 120,000 students.

Students (and parents), take note: The University of Mississippi was second, and Penn State third.


And as far as conference pride goes, those folks in the Southeastern Conference are right, they can go deep. Five SEC schools are in the top 20 party schools. Besides Florida and Mississippi, Georgia was No. 7, Tennessee No. 18 and Alabama No. 19.

The most “Stone-Cold Sober School”?

Brigham Young, for the 11th year in a row.

Full disclosure

The NFL’s best owner and the worst? Mike Silver of Yahoo Sports rated all 32 owners and found Bob Kraft of the New England Patriots the best (“Trusted confidant of [Roger] Goodell’s whose forward-thinking [has] served his partners well”) and Wayne Weaver of the Jacksonville Jaguars the worst (“He’s been actively trying to sell for a year and a half and he’s totally checked out”).

Bath time in Beijing

With about a week until the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, air quality is still a big problem. The air is visible, and there’s so much smoke in it, it’s difficult to see the Olympic stadiums.


Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Administration Director Du Shaozhong told the Houston Chronicle that the city’s air woes are misleading: “Under certain circumstances, there may be bad visibility on foggy days, rainy days. It is like when taking a bath in the bathroom. It doesn’t mean there is pollution.”

Coke side of life

Coca-Cola has spent an estimated $100 million to advertise in Beijing on billboards, at bus stops, subways and kiosks, besides a Coca-Cola museum, Brandweek reports.

Just wondering, but if they were pushing Diet Coke, would the budget be about half?


The favorite spectator sport in the U.S. is -- no surprise here -- the NFL, according to an ESPN poll. Major league baseball is second and college football is third. In the same poll in 2004, the NBA was third and college football fourth.


And finally

Chris Hickox, 22, of Fort Lauderdale, on trying to get into veterinary school as a student at Florida, “We do party and have a good time, but I have to study or my dad will kill me.”


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