
Regulation may provide relief

Re “Working without a net,” Opinion, July 6

Peter Gosselin describes the deteriorated condition of economic protections for America’s workforce. Left unsaid is that this is inherent in unregulated capitalism.

The Depression was a product of this type of approach. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s restraints on capitalism allowed working people to flourish for 50 years. But Ronald Reagan began a reverse course and George W. Bush has accelerated it to a destination undreamed of.

Do we need a return to regulation? Controlling man’s greed is fundamental to civilization. We may not have to wait much longer for the next depression.


Mayer Gerson


Gosselin unfortunately adopts the pathetic tone of passive desperation that is typical of the major media. The idea that American workers will meekly take whatever is handed to them by the almighty market seems to be accepted without question.

Don’t be so sure. Instead of painfully adjusting their lives to meet the insolent demands of distant executive suites, our proud, productive, inventive working people may finally begin to take these matters into their own hands and start making their own demands.

Gilbert Dewart

