
‘False’ Iraq claims are a warning

Re “Study tallies Bush’s ‘false’ Iraq claims,” Jan. 23

This appeared on Page 12: “ ‘At least 935 false statements’ about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years after the 2001 terrorist attacks ... ‘were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.’ ”

The statement was released by the Center for Public Integrity, which worked with the Fund for Independence in Journalism. When confronted, the White House had no comment.

The beat goes on, and the impeachable offenses continue to accrue into the Bush administration’s final year.


Because impeachment would prove impractical at this late date, all Americans should be on the alert to protect this great country from further abuse and damage before President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney leave office in disgrace.

William P. Mouzis

Lake Balboa


Nine hundred thirty-five false statements about Iraq on the wall, 935 false statements about Iraq. Take one down, pass it around, 934 false statements about Iraq on the wall.

Donald Bentley

La Puente
