
Obstruction and perjury

Re “O.C. deputies lied, record shows,” April 13

The Orange County grand jury investigated the beating death of an inmate in the county’s jail and issued a report. In a series of articles, The Times described how witnesses lied to the grand jury and fabricated evidence -- the technical term for which is perjury. The technical term for fabricating evidence presented to a grand jury is obstruction of justice. Both are felonies. When will we see criminal charges brought against the perjurers and obstructors of justice?

David E. Ross

Oak Park, Calif.

Re “Rampant abuse seen at O.C. jail,” April 8

I am appalled at the dehumanizing behavior, which was every bit as inhumane as the reports regarding the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo Bay. The behavior certainly does not reflect the values that I have come to know as being representative of our society.

I can only hope that those directly involved, as well as those in the Orange County Sheriff’s Department who tried to withhold this information from becoming public, will receive the appropriate consequences.


Karl Strandberg

Long Beach
