
The Force Is With Him

I just finished your Skywalker Ranch article (“The Empire Lives Here,” by Geoff Boucher, March 2) and had to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I’m from San Rafael, and while I have done the hike around the ranch and been outside the front gates, I’ve never had the opportunity to go inside. Your write-up really gave me a great idea about the “feel” of the ranch and shed light on what has been such a mystery to me.

Ryan McDuffie

Santa Cruz


I just read Geoff Boucher’s article on his trip to the Skywalker Ranch, but I have a question: He mentioned watching DVDs at the ranch. With all the technical wizardy there, shouldn’t Lucas be more up-to-date on his movie equipment, such as embracing the new high-definition Blu-ray or HD DVD format?

Isn’t DVD the “old” format? What was George supporting before Toshiba gave up on HD DVD?

Brian Yam

La Palma


If only Geoff Boucher could persuade George Lucas to allow him to write a big coffee table book on the ranch, with all the incredible stories of its development and construction.


George Woods Baker

Santa Monica
