
An illegal migrant’s crimes

Re “Outside the law,” March 30

Please, someone explain why Maria “Chata” Leon has been allowed to live in this country illegally for 23 years, having 13 children and committing crime after crime. Why has this woman never been deported? Why is she still on the streets of Los Angeles?

There is absolutely no excuse for this.

Sandra Stubban



While most illegal immigrants entering the United States are honest people, it is the job of our governmental agencies to protect Americans from those who are not. The only way to do this is to secure our borders, penalize those hiring the undocumented, immediately deport those found guilty of crimes and, most important, have a Supreme Court ruling on the meaning of the 14th Amendment to determine who qualifies to become an American citizen.

This is not an anti-immigrant solution; it’s a pro-law, pro-American solution. Illegal is just that.


Cheryl Smith



L.A.’s Drew Street -- crime fortress, drug dealers operating with near impunity, illegal immigrant haven, illegal immigrant mother of 13 “deeply involved in the drug trade” with a “lengthy arrest record” and three convictions but no prison time -- need I go on? And how many other Drew Streets are there throughout California? Sort of makes one wonder what our police and immigration authorities are doing as these lesions are allowed to fester and spread. It has certainly reached the point for us to demand accountability and action. Otherwise, it’s only going to get much worse.

Ron Romanosky

