Jumping rope is a fun way to keep fit
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I enjoyed the article about the varieties of jump-ropes available [“Gear: Have Jump-Rope, Will Travel,” Oct. 22]. Our local jump-rope team, the Palpitating Panthers, has traveled to the AAU Junior Olympic Games and the USAJRF Nationals for Jump Rope competitions. It has been in existence for 17 years.
Based in La Canada, we currently have 16 team members ranging in age from 7 to 16.
Jumping rope is indeed an amazing way to keep fit. Our team works hard to increase speed and power. There is also an artistic side in which the jumpers create freestyle routines that are performed to music, kind of like the floor exercise in gymnastics.
There are many categories of freestyle events: individual (one jumper with one rope), pairs (two jumpers, each with their own rope, doing tricks synchronously or mirror image), double Dutch (three or four jumpers using two ropes), and team (five or more jumpers, with a varying number of ropes). Freestyle routines are very fun to watch, and the best teams make it look easy when it is, in fact, incredibly difficult.
Some websites for people who are interested: USA Jump Rope at www.usajrf.org and Amateur Athletic Union at www.aaus ports.org/sprt_JumpRope.asp.
Kathy Weninger
La Canada