
Bad sign for Iran’s moderates

Re “Nuclear talks to include ex-broker for Iran,” Oct. 22

Moderate Ali Larijani’s resignation as Iran’s nuclear negotiator is a worrisome indication that Iranian moderates are losing ground. With Larijani having bowed out, and the Iranian president having banked on this opportunity to appoint close confidant Saeed Jalili, our only asset is the Iranian people, whose support for moderates would force the leadership to reach a peaceful compromise to the nuclear standoff. As the son of Iranian immigrants fleeing the Islamic Revolution, I know that we’ve been waiting most of our lives for moderates to take charge in Iran. The problem is that Iranians see a compromise on the nuclear issue as a compromise on national sovereignty. What we need to show them is that it will only compromise hardship and war.

Joshua Yaghoubzadeh

Los Angeles
