
“I want to say hats off to all of the wonderful firefighters.” - ROBERT RATNER, Tarzana

Re “Massive evacuations ordered as onslaught of fires spreads,” Oct. 23

The fires raging across our area are frightening and tragic. But there is only one place to lay the blame: on the doorstep of the Los Angeles (and Orange and San Diego) county boards of supervisors, which never met a mountaintop development they didn’t like.

I worked on a seasonal fire crew in the Santa Monica Mountains during the 1985 Decker fire, and even then it was clear that allowing people to build in these areas was naive at best and greedy at worst.

When is someone with courage going to say that there is a limit to what our resources can tolerate? We know that the Santa Anas blow hot and dry in the fall and that dry chaparral plants burn.


What we don’t apparently know is how to say no to campaign contributions from developers.

Cathy Schwemm


As a former Southern Californian, I was saddened to see the damage wrought by fire this year. The prayers of many people here are with you during this trying time.

Once the fire season has ended, I ask that you consider this: In Florida, for years, frame homes were quick, easy casualties of hurricanes. Finally, the state set strict building codes that basically ended homes being blown away by storms.

Now is the time to go the final step and outlaw any frame home in a fire zone. Concrete, metal or other construction is fire resistant if not fireproof.


With limitations on home construction, perhaps we can finally stop the endless procession of building, fire and reconstruction.

James Boshnack

Lakeland, Fla.

As the devastating fires rip through Southern California again, I have to ask why we were not more prepared. We need to be more proactive before the winds arrive. First, the local fire stations could involve local residents in fire watches. The media could get the word out before the winds arrive. They could send the message to would-be arsonists that the neighborhood is watching. Let’s learn from these experiences and, come next September and October, start preparing before the winds arrive.

Dan O’Mara

Agoura Hills

Every soot-smeared fire captain says the same thing: If only there were more resources. Presumably, they mean people to clear the brush and operate helicopters, planes, trucks, mobile medical stations and food kitchens. In previous disasters, the gaps were filled by the National Guard. Remember them? Now, instead of helping to save homes, they are sitting in Iraq waiting for their turn at the hideous roulette of the roadside bomb.


Margaret Gates

Newport Beach

With firefighters unable to cope with limited equipment and resources, the only safe option for residents is to flee with their photo albums and pets. With a relatively small investment, why couldn’t area fire hydrants be connected to rows of 30-foot utility poles with a wide sprayer nozzle at the top? Firefighters would strategically create a misty barrier of saturated ground that would stop the approaching fire. Residents can afford to pay for them.

David G. Wright


Uncontrolled wildfires, endangered firefighters, terrorized people, devastated natural beauty, billions in resources wasted and public and private property destroyed. I wonder if any of the arsonists responsible for some of the recent blazes will ever get theirs? The state should offer a $50,000 reward for the arrest and arraignment of offenders, with an additional $1 million following the conviction. Wave the carrot of instant gratification and see who speaks up.

Ken Smith


I want to say hats off to all the wonderful firefighters fighting an unbelievable battle, saving our lives and property. They’re a fantastic group of men and women who don’t receive enough recognition.

Robert Ratner

