
A tax on all their McMansions

Re “Democrats calculate risk on taxing the rich,” Nov. 2

So President Bush thinks the Democrats “believe in raising taxes, and we don’t.” Of course he doesn’t. It is obvious after almost seven years that he believes only in borrowing money. “Play now and pay later” is his motto. Let our children find the money to pay off the incredible debt his administration accumulated after wasting the surplus left by President Clinton.

And by the way, George, the “we don’t” obviously does not include either your father or Ronald Reagan. Have you ever picked up a history book?

Sandor Stern

Beverly Hills

Wouldn’t it be more helpful to report how real incomes, productivity and unemployment have fared under the current tax system versus focusing on how to tax the rich? I do not believe the income gap is the issue.


The point is how our people are faring today versus prior years. I believe that would lead to a much more interesting front-page story.

Don Black

Rancho Palos Verdes

When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he famously replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” Why tax the rich? Because that’s where the money is.

Marvin Lewis

Palm Desert
