
Blue notes

It would have been nice to learn the age, and perhaps even the playing experience, of the Dodgers’ backup catcher for 2008 in Tuesday’s story. But it was fun to read about Andy Pettitte’s 2002 HGH injury treatment for the 4,000th time instead.

E.P. Macus

South Pasadena


Either Frank McCourt doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “steadfast” or I don’t. It’s probably me. Clearly, it is a much more fluid term than I realized. After making the obligatory and pious declaration that “performance-enhancing drugs have no place in baseball” last Thursday, McCourt evidently spent Friday and Saturday making a place for them.

A word of advice, Frank: If you want to hire a cheater, by all means, go ahead. It’s your money. Only don’t tell me he’s innocent, because it insults my intelligence.


Lee Shelton

Los Angeles


I just received the Dodgers’ annual Christmas greeting; it was especially grand this year, a 30% increase in our season ticket renewal! And if you renew promptly, the Dodgers will include a free T-shirt with the tickets that says “Lick me all over, I’m a sucker.”

Bob Paniagua

