
Teachers’ lessons from the past

Re “Flying lessons,” Opinion, Dec. 16

Barry Smolin’s article moved me to tears. As a former educator, I too lament the restraints put on our teachers’ creativity. I think his article should be posted in every teachers lounge in the country. Despite the constraints that teachers are working under today, if they can just remember to instill inspiration for learning, then they too can encourage their students to spread their wings and fly. As certainly as George Schoenman did then, and as certain as Barry Smolin continues today.

Bobbie McIntyre

Seal Beach


With its recent inspirational articles on two Fairfax High teachers, Marilyn Moody (“Still acting up for the ‘best’ drama teacher,” Dec. 3) and George Schoenman, The Times may be reflecting the same spiritual longing that so many teachers I work with are experiencing. As school boards mandate more test-driven lessons, more scripted classes and more English courses devoid of literature, where else do we educators have to turn for motivation but back to the icons of our own pasts, back to the memories of our own teachers like Schoenman and Moody, who inspired so many to enter a profession in which dreams and hopes used to matter.

Daniel D. Victor

English Teacher

Hamilton Humanities


Los Angeles

The writer was a student and colleague of Schoenman.
