
Snapshot of the Mideast dilemma

Re “Mideast talks off to a tense start,” Dec. 13

It is in our country’s vital national interest to help create a viable Palestinian state. Israel’s planned construction of more than 300 housing units in East Jerusalem seriously undermines that goal. The Bush administration should impress on Israel the seriousness of this matter by joining the position of the rest of the world: settlements on land conquered in 1967 are illegal under international law and, if Israel continues to ignore its commitment under the road map that it freeze all settlement activity, by reevaluating our relationship with it.

Michael Several

Los Angeles


Re “Israeli army enters Gaza,” Dec. 12

This story is accompanied by a large photo of two young Palestinian mothers, one clutching her child, running away, and another smaller photo of Israeli soldiers in tanks. If you read the text, the Israeli army entered Gaza because militants have fired more than 2,000 rockets and mortar rounds into Israel since Jan. 1. Perhaps more appropriate would have been a photo of militants who routinely shoot rockets without any repercussions, and two young Israeli mothers, one clutching her child, running to a bomb shelter.

Jordan Rush

Los Angeles
