
It’s the best bargain around

Re “Here’s what you get for a few coins,” column, Nov. 12

I read Steve Lopez’s column Sunday, and I was just floored. I forgot what an amazing resource The Times is to its community. His commentary really showed that there are real people behind every story at your newspaper, and they dedicate their lives to serving us. I’m grateful to The Times for its service. It’s a shame Southern California doesn’t seem to be as grateful as I am.


Costa Mesa


As I read my L.A. Times this Sunday morning, it struck me as to why I have been a lifelong reader of newspapers. A good newspaper keeps one informed and connected to the community and the world. I expected that when I subscribed in 1961 to The Times, and I still expect it. Please, whoever ends up owning The Times, live up to my expectations. For the most part, this paper has done that. Please continue to publish the quality newspaper I expect.


Simi Valley


Thanks again to Lopez for telling it like it is in his Sunday column. The roll call of talented, dedicated journalists is exactly why I subscribe to The Times.


With all of today’s technology, I still prefer the morning paper. It’s the only vehicle that delivers the news without condescending to trite, pop-culture nano bites. We get enough of that on TV, the Web and radio, none of which are tactile experiences.

Newspapers don’t have to be everything to everybody. They should just do what they do better than anybody. California, and Los Angeles in particular, are too important on the world stage to have ownership of the major newspaper debating staff cuts. Any cuts should be to the salaries of the executives in charge.


Newport Beach
