
Jobs More Flexible, Data Show

From Reuters

A growing number of Americans have given up traditional jobs for more flexible work, including 20 million who telecommute and 10 million independent contractors, a business group said Thursday.

Using statistics from several sources, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said a more entrepreneurial workforce was emerging as Americans took advantage of the strong job market to shift the balance between their professional and personal lives.

“A growing number of Americans are seeking work arrangements that offer greater income potential, more flexibility in work schedules and a better balance between career and family,” said Thomas J. Donohue, president of the chamber.


The report showed that 1 in 6 U.S. employees worked from home at least once a week. Seventy percent of those telecommuters work for others, and 30% are self-employed, the chamber said, citing Economic Policy Foundation data.

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed there were 25 million part-time workers and 10 million independent contractors. About 10 million workers are self-employed, and there are 24 million small businesses -- 75% of which are sole proprietorships with no employees.

About 17 million Americans sell for companies such as Avon and Amway, often in addition to a regular job, it said, using data from the Direct Selling Assn.
