
Union report card on the mayor

Working stiffs have long had a thing for Antonio Villaraigosa, the ultimate union man. He enjoyed near-unanimous union support in races for the state Legislature and Los Angeles City Council.

But the picture has become more mixed since he first ran against James K. Hahn for mayor in 2001. Here’s how the city’s most powerful unions view him:

Union: L.A. County Federation of Labor

(a powerful confederation of unions)

2001 vs. Hahn: Loved Villaraigosa

2005 vs. Hahn: Loved Villaraigosa in secret*

Now: Wants to love Villaraigosa

Notes: *In 2005, Hahn secured its endorsement, but the rank and file is loyal to Villaraigosa.



Union: Architects & Engineers

(represents city workers but lacks the clout to shut the city down)

2001 vs. Hahn: Loved Hahn

2005 vs. Hahn: Villaraigosa is their new thrill

Now: The thrill is gone*

Notes: *Union leaders are incensed that Villaraigosa won’t give them a new contract as generous as that won by DWP workers.


Union: Police Protective League

2001 vs. Hahn: Hahn all the way

2005 vs. Hahn: Still for Hahn

Now: Ask in June*

Notes: *In 2001, Villaraigosa opposed a three-day work- week. He changed his mind in 2005, but the union didn’t ditch Hahn. Contract expires that month.

--Union: Firefighters

2001 vs. Hahn: Hahn lighted their fire

2005 vs. Hahn: Still burned for Hahn

Now: Ask in June*

Notes: *Contract expires that month.


Union: IBEW No. 11

(represents electrical workers, including city contractors)

2001 vs. Hahn: Loved Villaraigosa

2005 vs. Hahn: Switched to Hahn*

Now: Back in the dating game

Notes: *Switched to Hahn in 2005 because he was a “pro-labor incumbent.”


Union: IBEW No. 18

(represents nearly all DWP workers)

2001 vs. Hahn: Loved Villaraigosa

2005 vs. Hahn: Still loved Villaraigosa

Now: He’s still their thrill*

Notes: *Villaraigosa let them get at least a 16.25% raise over five years (now other unions want likewise).



Union: United Teachers Los Angeles

(represents teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District)

2001 vs. Hahn: Loved Villaraigosa

2005 vs. Hahn: Still loved Villaraigosa

Now: Feeling betrayed and terrified*

Notes: *Villaraigosa’s proposed mayoral takeover of L.A. Unified would remove

