
Lopez’s take on ‘Crash’

Steve Lopez is way off the mark in his column when he says the movie “Crash” falsely exaggerates our city’s urban problems (March 8).

He walks around the city observing people and asking them where is all the violence that is supposed to be happening to them. Please, Mr. Lopez, every minute, every second of the day, somebody is putting a gun to our heads? I don’t think the film is saying that, but it’s all there under the surface and, quite often, much more than it should, it pops out to wake you out of your slumber. How many times have we heard “wrong place at the wrong time”? How many mothers are afraid to let their kids walk home from school? Should inner-city rape statistics be tolerated? Come on. There’s something going on out there.


Mission Hills


Congratulations to Lopez for hitting the nail on the head in his column on the movie “Crash.” I’m a movie fanatic who sees 40 or so movies per year, but I walked out of “Crash.” I grew up in the Los Angeles area and agree with Lopez that my Los Angeles is a multicultural melting pot, not the negative image as portrayed in that movie.



