
Mormons and parallels to other religious groups

Re “Ex-Mormons Say Breaking Up Was Hard to Do,” June 3

Are Latter-day Saints Christian? Ex-Mormons for Jesus say no; local Mormon leaders say yes. I can’t speak for ex-Mormons for Jesus, but I can speak for my own religion. Despite positive contributions to the world, my church has been relentless in its persecution of gays and lesbians -- denigrating their humanity, belittling families with same-gender parents and fighting against gay equality at every opportunity. The fight continues with the church’s endorsement of a constitutional amendment that would discriminate against Americans whom the church dislikes. Are Mormons Christian? As a seventh-generation Mormon, I know the doctrinal answer. But no matter what we might call ourselves, actions speak louder than words.




I have never been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By substituting the words “Mormon Church” with Methodist, Catholic or Jehovah’s Witnesses, the article could apply to any religious group.


Los Angeles
