
The most efficient use of time and tax dollars

Re “Guzzling Gas Big-Time on Taxpayers’ Dime,” column, July 23

Interesting combination of articles in Sunday’s Times about the stewardship of our Los Angeles County supervisors. Steve Lopez notes the regal trappings of their lives provided by the taxpayers. Then, in the California section, we read about serial felons for whom we can’t find the money to put in jail. Perhaps Lopez might look into using some of those excess Cadillacs as mobile jail cells.


Manhattan Beach


Lopez misses the point. The principal duty of the Board of Supervisors is to run the vast county organization as efficiently as possible. If a supervisor needs to talk on the phone on the way to work or on long trips, he needs a chauffeur-driven vehicle. The heads of major corporations use chauffeur-driven limousines and private jets not because they are egomaniacs but because they need to use their time as efficiently as possible. Supervisors should do the same.

A 3-year-old Cadillac is not the ultimate luxury, and a back-up car with 140,000 miles on it to be used in case the principal car needs service is not an example of extravagance.





Lopez validated my thoughts: Government agencies and schools do not need more money. What they do need is knowing what to spend money on and accountability for their spending. No more votes for more money from me.


Somis, Calif.
