
Academy picks film museum site

From Associated Press

Film executives are moving forward with a long-planned movie museum they hope will lure more visitors into the heart of America’s film industry.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is building the museum, has selected a site for the $200-million film archive about a half mile south of the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street, said Bruce Davis, the academy’s director.

Groundbreaking is set for 2008, although the academy’s museum committee hasn’t considered an architect yet.




Opening night: “The Da Vinci Code” will be the opening-night movie at the Cannes Film Festival on May 17.

Return engagement: Tim B. Wride, who left the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 2004 to become executive director of the No Strings Foundation, is returning for a year as interim head of the photography department while directors seek a full-time curator to replace Robert A. Sobieszek, who died of cancer last July.

Season two: KTTV-TV Channel 11 and the other Fox-owned TV stations have renewed “The Tyra Banks Show” for a second season beginning next fall.
