
High praise for Placido Domingo

Primo tenore del mundo! [“Domingo, the Unstoppable,” Dec. 10]

Senor Placido Domingo fits the mold in all aspects of his remarkable career.

He is the greatest impact tenor I’ve heard in opera during the last century and, indeed, right now.

Today his vibrant tenor resists the inroads of time.

The splendid, in-depth account by Scott Timberg of his multifaceted career as impresario, general manager of Washington and L.A. operas plus the worldwide appearances reinforces the feeling that we have in L.A., the cause celebre of the opera world.

Bravissimo, Placido!


Los Alamitos


THE piece on the current general director of Los Angeles Opera fails to address the fact that he has yet to deliver a season of Los Angeles Opera as announced.


Los Angeles
