
YMCA’s secular, Christian values

Re “Religion rebounds at YMCA,” Column One, Nov. 24

I was disappointed that The Times posed the problem as the YMCA needing to decide whether it is a Christian organization or a secular gym.

My involvement with the Westside YMCA over the years has shown me that it is far more than a secular gym. It has been a community of shared values that has contributed much to my family. Had they not been secular values, my Jewish family would not have been able to participate.

Now a group of evangelicals wants to substitute a narrow set of exclusive values, focused on a narrow interpretation of salvation that would exclude not only my family but many of those who identify themselves as Christians who do not share evangelical beliefs. Let’s hope that those who exclude in the name of religion will not be successful and that the YMCA can continue to teach important values to our children.



Los Angeles


Yes, let’s bring back Jesus Christ and teach what he stood for: not being married, standing by the side of outcasts who were shunned by the majority and never mentioning homosexuality.


North Hollywood
