
Battle lines at Crenshaw High

Re “Teacher’s Transfer Is Protested,” Aug. 25

Let me see if I have this straight: Crenshaw High School loses its accreditation. The Los Angeles Unified School District sends in a new principal, Charles Didinger, who gets the accreditation back, at least for a year. But can he complete the job? No. Why? Because the teachers union kept butting heads with him, so Didinger retires. But the district is at least smart enough to transfer the ringleader of the problem, teacher Alex Caputo-Pearl.

And I am supposed to feel sorry for Caputo-Pearl? No way. Good job, L.A. Unified.




Thank you for the article on the district administration’s efforts to retaliate against Caputo-Pearl for his activism and support of parents and students in low-income communities of color.

Caputo-Pearl and the Coalition for Educational Justice have worked closely with teachers and parents in the San Francisco Bay Area to ensure accountability and improved school conditions. He is an excellent teacher and labor leader who cares about the community he lives and works in, not a “disruptive influence,” as some district officials say.



Board of Education


San Francisco
