
Lieberman Qualifies for Ballot With New Party

From the Associated Press

Sen. Joe Lieberman, who relaunched his campaign as an independent after losing the Democratic primary, has enough voter signatures to secure a spot on the November ballot, the secretary of the state announced Wednesday.

Lieberman far exceeded the 7,500 signatures necessary to be certified as a third-party candidate, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz said.

His name will appear on the general election ballot under a newly created party, Connecticut for Lieberman. By creating the party, Lieberman secured a position higher on the ballot than he would have had as an independent.


“We are happy to have cleared this hurdle, so we can focus on bringing people together in Connecticut for a new politics of unity and purpose,” said Dan Gerstein, Lieberman’s campaign spokesman.

Lieberman lost the Aug. 8 Democratic primary to Ned Lamont, a Greenwich businessman who criticized Lieberman for his support of the Iraq war and perceived closeness to President Bush. Lamont’s 10,000-vote victory was seen as a referendum on an unpopular war.

The day after the primary, Lieberman submitted petitions to create his own political party and appear on the ballot along with Lamont and Republican Alan Schlesinger.


Lieberman said he would vote with Democrats if elected to a fourth term.

Lamont’s campaign manager, Tom Swan, said he was “confident that our message of change will trump his stay-the-course message in November.”

National Democrats came out in support of Lamont shortly after the election.

The United Auto Workers endorsed Lamont on Wednesday, a day after representatives of about 20 other union locals held a rally for Lieberman.

The UAW’s political action committee offered Lamont $5,000 Wednesday, but the multimillionaire said he is not accepting PAC contributions. UAW regional director Bob Madore promised him 5,000 volunteers instead. The UAW has about 20,000 active and retired members in Connecticut.


Lieberman is accepting PAC contributions.
