
Are patios going to the dogs? Hardly!

I had to laugh when I read Carole Wade’s letter about the “nagging problem” of patios being “taken over by lonely dog owners” (how presumptuous!) and “littered with smelly dogs” etc. [“Even Dining Out Is Going to the Dogs,” Letters, April 16].

Gee, let’s see what’s more annoying? A dog’s panting, or trying to read and eat a nice meal while listening to some bozo’s cellphone playing the theme music from “Sex and the City” and then having to endure his one-sided conversation. Oh yes, all this is accompanied by wild gesturing (like Lenny Bernstein on a good night) with his free hands while the Star Trek headpiece is glued to his ear. (Perhaps so plugged in that the daily specials are transmitted right from the kitchen’s computer?)

At times like these, I too wish I had a muzzle.

Give me the dog any day. At least dogs are not rude.


Sherman Oaks


AFTER reading the comments made by Carole Wade, I appreciate the company of my dogs more than ever. They, unlike her, do not project negativity. What she failed to mention is that the “lonely dog owners” pay for their meals and services just like every other patron.



