
Ecological changes and human impact on Earth

In his column “Seeing red over ‘green scare’ ” (Opinion, April 20), Jonah Goldberg refers to “a host of new environmental scare books.” In my quest for data on ecosystem changes, I found recent reports and summaries that scientifically document serious ecological changes in progress that require prompt rectification. They are responsible scientific findings of research groups, often several in collaboration. They don’t have all the answers, but they warn against delaying action until more damage is done than can be rectified. If they don’t scare Goldberg, maybe they should.




Goldberg’s column lambasting Al Gore and others who are warning us about global warming only serves to amplify the hyperbole characteristic of this burgeoning number of Chicken Littles crying that the sky is falling. We humans are a puny infestation on this amazing planet. How arrogant to presume we’re going to have any lasting impact on Earth. We will simply go the way of the dinosaur -- no huge loss. The real issue is that we disrespect what we have and fail to understand that our ecosystem tends toward a balance that is beyond our control. When it is time for Earth to roll over in the grass and scrape us off her backside, we’ll just have to go along for the ride.


