
Foreign aid pays off

As your editorial “Selfish generosity” (April 13) points out, U.S. foreign aid is neither “foreign” nor “aid.” It’s not really generous, but it is selfish.

When development enthusiasts finally realize this and start educating the American people and policymakers about the benefits of this vital use of federal money, there won’t be “insolvable” problems such as illegal immigration, terrorism, pandemics or economic instability. American freedoms and security are irreversibly tied to the security of all others with whom we share this small planet.

It’s not foreign aid, it’s a smart investment in our freedom, security and prosperity. Oh yeah -- it’s also the moral thing to do. Too bad that hasn’t made much of a difference so far.



Ex-officio Chair, United Nations

Assn. Council of Organizations

Rockville, Md.


Thank you for the editorial on the paradox of foreign aid. It is so true that so many people have such a skewed idea of how our foreign aid is distributed and the amount we give. I wish that we could live up to the U.N. Millennium Development Goals in the way that so many smaller nations are doing. We could really make a dent in poverty and save millions of lives.


Huntington Beach
