
Do Fans Have a Commitment to Mayhem?

As a lifelong Dodger fan and season-ticker holder, I find it incredible that before this week there has been no mention of the fan violence at Dodger Stadium. For several years, the former L.A. Raider fans have taken up residence in the pavilion seats and created an environment that is frighteningly close to the soccer hoodlums in Europe.

With the taunting, physical intimidation, fights and now sprints on the field followed by thrown debris, it’s about time someone took the time to expose the growing problem. It’s like the elephant in the room: Nobody will talk about it.

Tom Killinger

Van Nuys

It is impossible to attend a Dodger or Laker game without being assaulted by fans yelling profanity or blaring music aimed at junior high sensibilities.


So it doesn’t matter if the seats are $2 or the coach gets $12 million, you won’t see my family at the game.

Kevin H. Park

