
Seeking Answers to City’s Congestion

Re “Rivals Traffic in Ideas for Relieving Congestion,” May 2: I commend The Times for providing an examination of the two Los Angeles mayoral candidates’ perspectives on key transportation issues.

Undecided voters may also find helpful the responses by Mayor James K. Hahn and Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa to questionnaires on regional transportation issues prepared by the nonprofit community group Southern California Transit Advocates and posted on, the group’s website.

Dana Gabbard

Executive Secretary

Southern California Transit Advocates


The Times reported that mayoral candidates Mayor Hahn and challenger Villaraigosa were having dialogue with voters about various projects and programs that might help to ease traffic congestion. The article was informative, for what ideas it included as well as those remedies that were excluded.


I am surprised and disappointed that our transportation board and city leaders aren’t mentioning a monorail system as part of the solution. Some other urban centers such as Miami and Seattle have “people-movers” and monorail systems.

You would think that in earthquake country, a monorail would also be an alternative and faster to build than subterranean railway transit.

Steve Mathis

Beverly Hills
