
Awards Shows’ Predictability Turns Viewers Off

Regarding “Emmy Show Posts Sagging Ratings,” Sept. 21:

I truly find it hard to see how “the low numbers surprised and puzzled many in the industry.”

As my wife keeps saying, “Who cares who won? What did they wear!”

The award shows are boring -- and who wants to hear the same thank you, mom, dad, agent, director, cast, crew, God, hairdresser, trainer

For several years now, my wife watches only the pre-awards show, especially E! Entertainment’s “Live From the Red Carpet,” and then switches to something else when the award show comes on.


I would suspect that is the routine for many households.

Thomas Hamlett

Van Nuys


Let me add my own theory as to why fewer viewers choose to watch the Emmys every year:

The anticipation of Meryl Streep or one of her band of supercilious loudmouths stopping the show to read a political editorial makes the experience unbearable.

This network spam is everywhere: the news, sitcoms, dramas as well as the never-ending series of self-congratulatory Hollywood awards shows.

If the networks can’t understand why half the country has tuned them out, then they truly represent a business model heading for failure.


Thomas W. Ecker

