
U.S. Has Moved Beyond Ties to Foreign Laws

Re “A Bonehead on History,” Editorial, Sept. 21: Your editorial fails to point out that any references to foreign law that the founding fathers may have made when framing the Constitution were used only to create the foundation for American law -- once the Constitution was in place, we Americans then proceeded to create precedent based on decisions made here in this country, involving American citizens and American issues with uniquely American sensibilities and viewpoints.

Clearly, the courts should always render decisions based on our law, and if there is a flaw within the foundation, then it is the right of the people to democratically effect a constitutional amendment. However, it is never the right of one court to search foreign viewpoints and foreign laws for American citizens -- that is an arrogant usurpation of power. While the editorial demeans HR 568 as sputtering from the “right wing,” utilizing decisions made by foreign government officials who do not represent American citizens is simply the machinations of left-wing control freaks and immoral people who don’t want to entrust Americans with making our own laws.

Ron Nordyke

Costa Mesa
