
Wal-Mart Math Needs Explaining

Regarding “Wal-Mart Ad Aims to Counter Criticism,” Sept. 24:

Wal-Mart said in its ad that California households can expect savings of $589 a year once it reaches 20% of market share.

Do people understand that this is a zero-sum game? That to achieve a 20% market share (one-fifth of all retailing done), 20% of the market is given up by other retailers? And often, these are ... much smaller businesses, often family-owned, which cannot compete and end up closing their doors.

Gregg K. Knowles



If Wal-Mart needs to offer lower prices to lure its customers, it surely isn’t going to provide its employees with a bargain healthcare package.


Part-time and low-wage employees need coverage provided that is affordable or they can’t take advantage of it. By not providing an affordable healthcare plan, Wal-Mart does place a serious burden on the community to pick up the tab while the company cashes in on higher profit not shared with the community.

Sheila Hoff

Rancho Palos Verdes
