
‘Out’ for the night

We went to see “Movin’ Out” on Sept. 24 and, after reading Lewis Segal’s review that was complimentary to the dancing [“ ‘Movin’ Out’ as Fast as They Can,” Sept. 20], we were eagerly anticipating the same wonderful show that he saw. To our extreme dismay, we received our programs saying that all five of the lead parts would be played by not the first cast, not the second cast, but ensemble and swing players.

To us, this is fraud -- bait and switch. On a Friday or Saturday night, you expect to see leading performers, not the third string. It is as if we paid to see the Lakers and the Clippers came out to play instead. Never, ever have we experienced a show where they replaced all of the leads! Billy Joel fans may have been happy; we definitely were not. Segal wrote that “the level of dancing never falls below stratospheric.” That night it fell below sea level.

Dawn and Lea Bean

Santa Ana
