
‘Final Cut’ goes out digitally

From a Times staff writer

The new Robin Williams movie, “The Final Cut,” about a future in which people’s lives are recorded on a chip embedded in their brains at birth, will open Oct. 15 exclusively as a digital presentation at AMC Theatres, Lions Gate Films announced Thursday.

The decision to go digital follows a successful trial run of sorts that AMC arranged with filmmaker Enid Zentelis to show her film “Evergreen” in the company’s digitally equipped theaters. As with that picture, writer-director Omar Naim’s “The Final Cut” will screen in about 115 of AMC’s theaters in 27 markets. It will be transmitted to theaters via satellite.

While the technology AMC and other theaters ordinarily use to show concerts and sports is good, it is not up to current theatrical standards for film or those of the digitally equipped theaters that are on the horizon. The arrangement for “Final Cut” represents another incremental but significant step forward in that evolution.
