
For Tim LaHaye, It’s All Business

Give author Tim LaHaye credit for being a shrewd businessman (“Writing for Godot,” by Nancy Shepherdson, April 25). In cosmic time and space, planet Earth is a speck of dust and the entire era of human existence is a nano-blip. Prophets of doom have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years, but millions of gullible people hearing it for the first time will believe anything that enables them to rationalize the finality of death. LaHaye has turned their ignorance into profit and will enjoy its benefits until he dies of old age.

Forrest G. Wood



I congratulate the end-of-the-world “Left Behind” people for publishing their books in hardcover. Quality books like those will last for years. If the cult decides to build a headquarters, I would recommend that they use reinforced concrete so they can pass the place on to their kids and grandchildren, and their grandchildren, for generations. How about including a library, possibly collecting in one place all of the end-of-the-world predictions and scams of the past 2,000 or 3,000 years? Build big! There will be many thousands of volumes.

Lyle Davidson

San Diego
