
The Great Stone Face, Ready for Rushmore

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editoral cartoonist of the Lexington Herald Leader.

Don’t look now, Mr. Presumptive Democratic Nominee, but your ox is getting Gored.

In the run-up to the 2000 election, cartoonists, in lock step with late-night comics, cranked out dozens of panels bemoaning the Democratic nominee’s woodenness.

Looking back, you might wonder whether our ink would have been better spilled drawing comparisons between boring policy differences, but why wade through all that when there’s a cheap and easy laugh lode to mine?

This time out, it’s a different candidate but the same old jokes. In response, John Kerry tried the regular-guy stuff. He’s tossed the pigskin, offered up the “better hair” clunker (Hairy-Kerry has a nice ring) and taken the stage with his trusty guitar. But the “I, Robot” digs just keep flying.


Ready for them to stop, senator? Try skipping the phony photo ops, limit yourself to self-deprecating humor and focus on issues.

Oh, and don’t kiss Tipper.
