
But Are They Really Doing God’s Work?

Re “They Won’t Stand on Common Ground,” Dec. 27: So the Concerned Women for America are marching in God’s army. I do not remember Jesus amassing huge amounts of money and maneuvering for political clout.

Instead of demonizing gay families seeking equal marriage rights and legal protections for their children, maybe they could spend millions of dollars on helping raise literacy rates so the poor can get better jobs, creating living spaces for homeless families, feeding the tens of thousands who go to bed hungry and providing long-term services for women seeking abortion so they can feed, clothe, house, educate and have access to health services for their families. Now that would be doing God’s work.

Barry Simon

Studio City


Lobbyist Wendy Wright was quoted in The Times as saying “God is in control. He helped to raise up the Concerned Women for America to the position we are in now. We are faithful to the work he has for us to do.”


Ms. Wright, could we possibly refrain from blaming the Almighty for such hurtful, divisive creations as the Concerned Women for America? The greatest danger to America is not the enemies pointed to by the Concerned Women for American; rather it is fundamentalism. Whether that fundamentalism is cloaked as Christian, Islamic or Jewish, it is the same beast bearing only slightly different fangs.

The Rev. Keith G. Banwart Jr.



I was amused to read your article on the Concerned Women for America and see that the group’s website campaigns against the film “Kinsey” and says that sex researcher Alfred Kinsey’s ultimate goal was “to normalize pedophilia.”

If they’d bothered to see the film before condemning it, they’d know it contains a scene in which Kinsey is shocked by a pedophile he’s interviewing, but I guess when you believe God is telling you what to do, you don’t have to bother with fact-checking.


Mark Gabrish Conlan

San Diego
