
Teach OPEC a Lesson in Supply and Demand

Re “Surging Gas Prices Pump Up Political Debate,” March 31: We shouldn’t be jawboning with OPEC nations to increase production. We shouldn’t be begging OPEC to maintain its production. We should be doing the exploration necessary and the necessary drilling in our own wells.

When that happens and America doesn’t rely on OPEC for its oil, the law of supply and demand will come into play. The price of OPEC oil will drop like a rock, and we will all be better for it. And once our wells are primed and ready to pump, OPEC will be much more willing to deal in the appropriate manner when it comes to the price of its product.

Barry Levy

Redondo Beach


If the United States is really fighting a war against terrorism and must reduce the use of imported oil, then why not reintroduce World War II gasoline rationing? Many of us are old enough to remember the famous A, B and C gasoline coupons which were credited with reducing gasoline use by the American driving public and helped contribute to our victory in World War II.


Leonard Mendelson

Santa Monica
