
Legal Overreaction to Abuse of Alcohol

Re “Councilmen Propose Ordinance to Let Drunk Drivers’ Cars Be Seized, Sold,” April 1: I am appalled at the carnage that drunk drivers wreak upon society, but I am reluctant to accept the confiscation of vehicles as a solution. It is reminiscent of the knee-jerk promotion of the third-strike law, which has lately been found to be too strong.

The policy may be enforced nonprejudiciously upon society, but the poorer will be more economically impacted. There are varying degrees of violators, including first-time offenders and repeat offenders, and levels of intoxication. Whether anyone was killed or injured should be a factor, as well as considering property damage. Please don’t rush to judgment by enacting this law without thinking it through.

Michael J. Reardon



While the L.A. City Council is at it, why not seize and sell the bars and liquor stores that sell booze to drunks? It is legal to make money manufacturing, selling and advertising (creating demand for) liquor, legal to drive your car to a place to buy and consume liquor (they all have parking lots), but illegal to drive it home. This sounds a lot like starting a fire, adding fuel to the fire and then being outraged that it burns so bright.


Patrick Veesart

