
Deadline for Requesting Absentee Ballot Is Today

Today is the final day to request an absentee ballot for next Tuesday’s recall election.

Completed request forms must be received by county elections offices by the close of business today. Forms postmarked today but received later in the week will not be accepted.

Addresses and telephone numbers for county registrars can be found online at, in the government pages of telephone books or by calling 1-800-345-VOTE.

Completed absentee ballots must be returned to elections officials no later than 8 p.m. on election day. Ballots that are postmarked, but not received, by next Tuesday will not be counted. If you think the mail might not get your ballot to the elections office in time, you may deliver it in person or, on election day, drop it off at any polling place in your county.


Voters who requested absentee ballots can still vote in person at their local polling place, but they must give their unused absentee ballots to poll workers.

If you have lost your absentee ballot or are concerned it won’t get through the mail in time, you may still go to your polling station on election day and cast a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots won’t be counted until the regular and absentee ballots are tallied to make sure no one voted twice.


Allison Hoffman
