
Past Crimes Shall Not Go Unpunished

Re “New Life Vs. Old Murder,” June 7: I was a child during the Symbionese Liberation Army’s reign of violence. It was a very unusual and frightening time. It is commendable that Emily Harris has changed her life. But that does not excuse crimes. In fact, if she has changed so much she should be confessing her past and be willing to pay her debt to society and to her victims.

Good behavior does not negate bad behavior. If she committed this killing of an innocent woman, then she should be punished according to the law. Many people rebel in their youth, but most do not go on a journey of anger, hatred and violence. We are all accountable for our actions, all of our actions. It is time for her and the others in her group to be judged by the system we have set forth in this country.

We can only hope her story will touch the youth of today and let them know we cannot always undo the grave mistakes of our youth. There will be a price. For all of us, who even in our youth have strived to be decent and good human beings and have tried to make the world a better place for everyone, we need there to be justice. Emily Harris, it is time for you to atone.


Colleen Ancrile

Van Nuys
