
Bush Feeling the Heat on Global Warming

Re “U.S. Details Warming Threat but Defends Its Policy,” June 4: In the spring of 2001, when Enron and other Texas companies were raiding billions from the people of California, the Bush White House had a clear policy: Do nothing. Later that year, as reports poured in from the FBI, the CIA and foreign law enforcement and intelligence agencies of an imminent terrorist attack on the U.S., it advocated the same policy. Now White House officials have finally stopped their deceit and obfuscation about global warming, its primary causes and its likely consequences.

And the White House plan of action: Do nothing. Why are our putative leaders so resolute about fanning the flames of violence around the world and so cowardly and morally weak when it comes to dealing with the real threats facing our people?

Daniel Green

Emeryville, Calif.


Re “A Natural Split With Bush, and Many Quit,” June 3: Many, many thanks to Elizabeth Shogren for her comprehensive article on the people of courage and principles who are no longer willing to sacrifice them. Thank you to them as well for working to preserve our environment.


Marian Cole

