
Welfare: Bringing the Third World Home

I like Clifford Bob’s idea for the next round of reality TV (“On ‘Slum Survivor,’ No One’s a Winner,” Commentary, June 3). But our “Slum Survivor” production crew and contestants needn’t go all the way to a squalid Third World locale. Any ghetto in America would do nicely.

As with overpopulation in the developing world, too many ill-prepared young people having babies in our own slums trap generation after generation in hopeless poverty and despair. Presuming he doesn’t advocate forced birth control or sterilization, and certain that a college professor couldn’t be so naive as to think that a massive redistribution of wealth would result in anything other than increasing numbers of those unable to compete in mainstream economies, I’d be curious to know what Bob prescribes as a solution.

Darren McKinney

