
StarLink Corn Said to Be Found in Japan

From Reuters

Japan has found trace amounts of unapproved StarLink corn in an American shipment bound for Tokyo’s food supply, renewing fears that major trading partners once again may turn their backs on U.S. crops, U.S. exporters said.

The return of StarLink corn comes as the United States tries to convince reluctant trading partners like the European Union and southern Africa that genetically modified crops are safe for consumers.

Made by Aventis CropScience, the biotech corn variety slipped into the U.S. food supply in September 2000 sparking a nationwide recall. Aventis CropScience was later sold to Bayer as part of the fallout from the StarLink recalls.


Fears of a fresh backlash against all U.S. corn weighed on U.S. grain markets on Friday, traders said.
